At Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Specialists, we offer numerous JUVÉDERM® products in Palm Desert, California, such as JUVÉDERM Ultra Plus, Volbella, Voluma™ and Vollure®. Each product has unique enhancements and advantages to skin care, and our expert injectors recommend them based on your specific needs and concerns. To learn more, call us at 760-773-6616 and schedule a visit with our trained professionals.

JUVÉDERM fillers are made from a natural sugar that is found in connective, skin and joint tissues and that carries nutrients that aid in retaining moisture and softness and in adding volume. This naturally occurring sugar is known as hyaluronic acid (HA) and can be found in all JUVÉDERM products, including Volbella, JUVÉDERM Ultra Plus, Vollure and Voluma.

JUVÉDERM fillers can benefit patients of all skin types, and they are safe to use while offering treatments such as:

  • Smoothing deep folds or wrinkles
  • Augmenting lips
  • Volumizing and contouring areas where fat has been lost due to aging or skin depression

When treated with JUVÉDERM fillers, the affected areas become smoother and fuller with increased volume and definition. Most patients see results both immediately and over time as new collagen is formed.

Cosmetic fillers with hyaluronic acid, such as JUVÉDERM, work in two ways: absorbing water and helping the body produce more collagen. Absorbing water aids natural structures beneath the skin to rejuvenate a youthful appearance. Producing more collagen helps to reduce deep lines and creases by working from the inside out. Even after the fillers begin to break down, new collagen can continue to form, making the rejuvenation process last even longer. Through the years, we lose volume to our face that can show signs of aging, but JUVÉDERM can restore that volume, working beneath the surface of your skin to add volume without the use of surgery.

Learn more below about the different fillers in the JUVÉDERM collection we offer at Dermatology & Plastic Surgery Specialists:

Volbella is the thinnest dermal filler in this line of products, with a smooth consistency that is excellent when helping with hydration for skin elasticity and to improve crepey skin. It is often recommended for use with wrinkles or fine lines. It is typically applied around the mouth, in tear troughs under the eyes and around the lips for subtle augmentation. Volbella can restore volume and contours while smoothing away wrinkles and smile lines. Results may last up to a year.

JUVÉDERM Ultra Plus is thicker than Volbella, allowing it to hold its shape better, offer more volume and be more effective in erasing deeper folds and wrinkles. This filler can last up to a year and is recommended to address the following concerns:

  • Nasolabial folds — folds that go from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth
  • Marionette lines — lines that form along the corners of the mouth toward the jaw
  • Depressed areas of volume loss

The Vollure filler is used to smooth lines and wrinkles, both moderate and severe, typically near the nose and mouth. These lines and wrinkles can form as part of the normal aging process, but we can give you a decrease in those lines by injecting the Vollure filler deep into your facial tissue. The filler will temporarily add volume into the nasolabial folds, also known as parentheses, to give you subtle but remarkable results that last up to 18 months.

The thickest filler in the JUVÉDERM family is Voluma, which is an FDA-approved dermal filler. Voluma is used most often along the zygomatic arch to add volume to your cheekbones. We may also recommend this filler for use in deep nasolabial folds if you are concerned about severe marionette lines around the mouth.

To learn more about the JUVÉDERM fillers and which fillers are best suited to meet your needs, feel free to contact us today.

The first and only approved filler for the jawline is Volux. Volux is in the Juvederm family and improves jawline definition for up to 12 months with optimal treatment in patients with moderate to severe loss of jawline definition.